Customer Satisfaction Programs:
Measuring the Client Experience after the Sale

Satisfied customers become loyal customers. It is vital to recognize the importance of measuring customer satisfaction and how it translates into actionable data to promote more loyal customers. But many businesses simply do not know how to translate the satisfaction results they receive into action that will affect customer behavior.
Sinclair Customer Metrics stands apart from the myriad of businesses offering customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement. We put a system in place that requires action on the part of store-level operators. Our satisfaction measurement program requires a follow-through to process improvement and continuous collecting and reporting of metrics.
Our effective customer satisfaction measurement program provides key drivers of satisfaction and a fresh understanding of how your customers feel about their recent experience with your organization. Surveys can also be deployed to target a particular event, promotion, or market segment. Sinclair's Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and web-based surveys range from simple to complex using decision-tree processing, allowing the respondent to progress through a variable sequence of questions based on the responses given.
Web-based Satisfaction Surveys - Sinclair's web-based surveys enable your customers to complete a satisfaction survey through their computers at their convenience at any time.
Telephone Satisfaction Surveys (IVR) - Sinclair's IVR surveys are designed to be completed by telephone at their convenience at any time. Customers use voice recognition to respond with simple narratives and/or a telephone keypad.
Customer Feedback Telephone Interview - Responding to a live Sinclair call center specialist, our telephone interviews provide excellent completion rates, reliable responses, and the flexibility to choose between predetermined response options and custom- designed open-ended questions that deliver more detailed responses. Sinclair can contact your customers or any other target market and conduct a professional interview on their latest experience with your company or any other topic you request.
Benefits Include
Real-time Reporting
Survey results are reported in real-time through NetReports® reporting site.
Key Driver Analysis
Provide key drivers of what matters most to your customers.
Sinclair's IVR and web-based surveys are cost-effective methods for multi-unit organizations measuring customer satisfaction down to the unit level.
Measures Effectiveness of Service Initiatives
In cooperation with mystery shopping, customer satisfaction surveys become a powerful window into the effectiveness of your service initiatives revealing how effective your service policies conducted.
Targeted, adaptable surveys
To pinpoint the exact areas you want to examine. Decision-tree processing gives you the most pertinent information from every survey.
Voice of the Customer
Sinclair's Interactive Voice Response (IVR) surveys will gain detailed insight into your customers' reactions, needs, and desires. Your customers' IVR audio recordings literally provide you the "Voice of the Customer".