Employee Morale Monitoring:
Satisfied Employees Directly Affect Profitability

Sinclair’s custom-designed employee satisfaction survey will arm your organization with information about job satisfaction and employee loyalty. Satisfied employees can positively influence operational performance, create higher customer satisfaction, reduce turnover and improve overall financial results.
Sinclair provides cost-effective and efficient employee satisfaction surveys that can identify what motivates your employees, what drives their loyalty, and what genuinely makes them happy. Sinclair recommends distributing web-based employee satisfaction surveys on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. We also provide an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) surveys option for companies with employees without internet access. Our analysts will provide you with detailed reports so your organization can make informed decisions.
Benefits Include
New Policy Effects
Learn how your workforce reacts to your organization's policies.
Management and Leadership Issues
Training Opportunities
Employee Morale
Identify factors affecting employee morale and loyalty.
Employee Motivation
Identify opportunities for motivating employees.
Employee Retention
Verifies availability of circulars and other advertising materials.